How you can get a top offer for your own home, quickly and easily, even in a slow market!

Tips, tactics and strategies to sell your own house!

House for sale"House for sale secrets revealed" ebook shows how you can get the best home selling price for your property.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Home selling - Is the motivation there to make it happen?

There's that very wise saying, "it takes two to tango!" Well, if you are selling through and agent it might take three! This is not necessarily bad!

You see; to bring any deal together it takes a very motivated buyer, a motivated seller and a motivated agent (if you're using an agent).

I will repeat what's already been said - Before putting your home on the market -- or any property for that matter -- think carefully about how motivated you really are to sell.

The truth is; you are either going to be realistic in setting your selling price expectation or you're not. That could make a big difference to what happens (or doesn't happen) when your house goes on the market.

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