How you can get a top offer for your own home, quickly and easily, even in a slow market!

Tips, tactics and strategies to sell your own house!

House for sale"House for sale secrets revealed" ebook shows how you can get the best home selling price for your property.

Monday, July 7, 2008

You are Selling Your Home. So what are Your Expectations?

All parties involved in the sale must have the same expectation... that the property WILL SELL.

Sometimes sellers get all excited thinking their house will finally be taken off their hands by a keen buyer in a matter of hours or days. Unfortunately, this is usually wishful thinking, when in truth the agent might not be expecting that house to sell at all!

Now, I know what you are thinking - "without doubt both the seller and the agent expect the property to sell... don't they?" Well, they most likely both HOPE it will sell, but do they both EXPECT it to sell... and at what price?

If either the home seller or the real estate agent has reservations about whether or not the house will sell, then those issues should be discussed openly.

Think about it; either side could have reservations relating to price, condition, location, terms, market, timing or some other factor that could possibly prevent a sale at this time.

Be upfront and identify any reservations or apprehensions before going to the market.

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